How to Make a Starbucks Medicine Ball at Home
On days when you need a little pick me up a Medicine Ball from Starbucks will set you straight. You won’t find it listed on the menu but you can ask for it at just about any Starbucks and they’ll make it for you! Ask for a Medicine Ball or their Honey Citrus Mint Tea. Does this make this a secret?? Well we’re spilling the tea (haha) about whats in this “Medicine Ball” and how to make it at home!
how to make a starbucks medicine ball at home
This drink is a go-to when you’re fighting Spring allergies, soothing cold symptoms or when we just want something hot & tasty without the caffeine. Each sip from your mug starts with a beautiful aroma and ends with sweet taste of honey. It is make up of jade citrus mint tea, peach tranquility tea, hot water, steamed lemonade and a bit of (or a lot of) honey. Steamed lemonade is just good old lemonade heated up to a near boiling temp. If you like extra sweet drinks you could add some peppermint syrup. Lots of room to play with this recipe and make it your own!
medicine ball
1 tea bag - Teavana Jade Citrus Mint
1 tea bag - Teavana Peach Tranquility
Hot Water
Steamed Lemonade
easy to make
Boil your water and lemonade. Fill a mug halfway with hot water, halfway with the steamed lemonade and place both tea bags in to brew for 3-5 minutes. Top with honey & enjoy!
Think about adding these to take it to the next level: slice of lemon, sprig of mint leaves, peppermint syrup
Do you have a favorite Starbucks order?? Share your favorite drinks on or off menu in the comments below!